Golf Amerikan Parkları Açmak Kodlama

Select STG 09 (vehicle power) STG Access Permission -> Function 16 Enter access code 31347 STG adjustment -> function 10 Channel (9) 0 BLK light fitting VL B36-light function D 0 Select (turn signal front left) Generally adjust value on parking lights

Channel (10) 0 BLK light fitting VL B36- dimming select CD 0 Adjust Value accordingly (dimming level in percent; Recommendation value: 30 (30%))

Channel (9) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20 light function D 1 Select (Indicator front right) Generally adjust value on parking lights

Select channel (10) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20- dimming CD 1
Adjust Value accordingly (dimming level in percent)

Channel (12) -Leuchte0BLK VL-B36 Lichfunktion E Select 0 Adjust Value Blink left dark phase

select channel (15) -Leuchte0BLK VL B36 dimming Direction EF Adjust value to minimize

Channel (12) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20 Light Function E 1 Select Adjust Value Blink right dark phase

channel (15) -Leuchte1BLK VRB20 dimming Direction EF Adjust value to minimize


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